Trail Rating System

We use the same 1-10 rating system as the Red Rock 4-Wheelers, the local Moab club. While our ratings are similar, we have adjusted the ratings of a few trails based on our recent experience. We calibrate our rating with the notion that “4” is the highest rating that should be attempted by a stock 4X4 (stock tires & suspension). The following ratings are for Moab area roads in dry conditions. The effect of snow or rain varies greatly depending upon terrain and altitude. More notes are listed below this table (please read the whole page).

Rating Notes

Rising Sun attempts to keep the trail ratings current, based on our own assessments of each trail as well information from the Red Rock 4 Wheelers Club in Moab. However, weather and usage constantly alters the routes. For example: at a past event, heavy rains changed Kane Creek from a tough trail to impassable in an afternoon. It is always wise to obtain the most up-to-date information prior to departing for a trip and be prepared. Remember, turning back is sometimes the best choice where the option exists.

Please choose your trails wisely with honest appraisal of your equipment and experience in this terrain. We urge you to err on the “easy” side during Cruise Moab. Feel free to stress your rig to the breaking point any other time of the year.

The rating number is based on the MOST DIFFICULT obstacle. Do not expect obstacles of that level all day. The rating is not meant to be a challenge, but is often a warning about one or more difficult places on an otherwise easier, scenic ride. Please read the trail descriptions for specific difficulty information for vehicles that may be long, wide, or have other unique limitations.

No system can accurately compare trails for all vehicles in any weather. We assign numbers based on the experience of our trail leaders driving (and observing others driving) these trails. Still, we have trails that are only moderately difficult for short wheelbase vehicles but are difficult for pickups, while some of our most difficult hills (like White Knuckle and the optional Double Whammy) are easier for long wheelbase vehicles than short. Rain changes sand from difficult to easy, but changes clay from easy to impassable. Sandstone “slickrock” gives good traction when first wet, but after it is tracked with sand, it can be like driving on tiny ball bearings.